1st Skytrex Adventure'2010 @ Taman Pertanian

Posted by -ĕvå- | | Posted On Monday, January 24, 2011

My 1st time on Skytrex Adventure on 4th September 2010
It's really a challenge adventures... make me recall back the days at National Service...
We took Big Thrill level and total have 22 stations need to go through...wow!! Lots stations..
The 1st station have to climb up to 14meters tall ladder.. and its a 90 degree straight ladder... Hahaa...
And in between all the station including flying fox(the most I like ^^), tarzan walk, Zig-Zag walk way,...etc..
A good activity for me to train on my braveness too...Hahaa... =D 
As well to train on the safety... as all the game got to go through it by yourself..
But of course, before start of the game, you are entitle to go through a minor practical training..
Well...  I can feel the excitement!! =]
The next, I wish to challenge on the Extreme Level!!!
*p/s: Sharing some of the photos but it doesn't satisfy me cause couldn't take photo while
playing the game as its too dangerous to do that.. 

Practical Training

Flying Fox

Finally,end of 22stations... ^^




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